choan (八房龙之助)
2017-09-21 22:09:56https://github.com/aldelaro5/Dolphin-memory-engine/releases
This release's main feature is the addition of a memory viewer. This memory
viewer continuously reads the memory in both hex bytes and ASCII text.
Changes are highlighted by a red fade just like CE. Keyboard navigation is
supported as well as a scrollbar. Alternatively, you can jump to any address
by entering it in the appropriate text input. MEM2 is supported if it is
enabled, but both memory region are in different views. Real time editing
works too, just select a byte by clicking and type the new hex. Lastly, it
gracefully handles unhooking, if the memory is unreadable due to unhooking,
the viewer will report ?? instead of valid memory.
This is integrated with the watcher so when using the right click menu,
there's a new option to open the viewer at the address of the watch.
NOTE: From now on, 250MB of free memory is recommended when using the program
AT ALL TIME, with the introduction of a global memory cache, it can take as
much at all time when MEM2 is enabled, much less if MEM2 is disabled.
Full changelog of this release:
‧Improve the documentation spelling and grammar (thanks @Ikaheishi )
‧Fis a crash when attempting to edit a value while editing another, it now
displays an error message since you cannot enter an empty value.
‧Fix the right click menu on the watch entries, the right click menu should
work and not cause crashes anymore.
‧Add a global memory cache which the scanner and the viewer uses. This is
just a faster path for mass reads, the watcher is unaffected as it only does
small reads.
‧Add a memory viewer, see above for the details.