AllanCat (AllanCat)
2016-11-17 10:20:50Play Windows 3 Games on Modern Windows
The basic idea is to write a program that can read a 16-bit Windows
executable file, run it on an emulated CPU and map any 16-bit API calls that
it makes onto the x64 equivalents.
˙It's like DosBox in that it's emulating the CPU —
but unlike DosBox in that it's not emulating other low level hardware.
˙It's like Wine in that it's emulating the Windows API — but unlike Wine in
that the CPU is emulated instead of running on a physical processor (remember
Wine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator").
˙It's not like VirtualBox or VMWare or other virtualization software as it's
not emulating or virtualizing low level hardware.
In other words, even though it'll include an emulated CPU to execute the
16-bit code this is more about emulating the operating system than the