应该不少人已经看完《劲爆女子监狱》最终季了吧?别担心,这篇不会有剧透,只是分享 一些跟这部剧相关的东西。我已经看完了,而且非常喜欢,同时对于见证一部神剧的终结 感到不舍。它已经正式进入我的人生必看清单了。如果要用一句话概括最终季感想,我会 说“It's perfectly imperfect”,相信看完结局的人会懂我为何这么说。 以下想要分享一首歌。这是最终季最后一集,片尾跑工作人员名单时背景所播的歌,由剧 中 Taystee 的演员 Danielle Brooks 演唱,唱到最后还可以听到她声音哽咽和旁人的欢 呼声,我猜测应该是拍摄杀青时在片场所录下的,歌名为 Seasons,正式录音版也收录在 她的新专辑《Four》之中,以下我分享几个版本的收听连结。 1.本剧片尾版,前面1分钟是剧情结尾,介意剧透者请斟酌观赏。音量比较小,请自行调 整。值得一提的是,在家属探视受刑人的片段中,第一对出现在画面中的两人,是真实的 Piper 和 Larry 所扮演。 https://youtu.be/5QGSTY4ZpOw 2.正式版 - YouTube https://youtu.be/8e7C0fYJxAw 3.正式版 - Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/6m9K8qsBjKTVrcp6OGrHor 以下附上整首歌的歌词,其中充满浓浓的道别之情。有趣的是,歌词中有很多本剧的彩蛋 ,大家可以尝试看看能找到几个,我就不破哏了。 What came first? The chicken or the egg? Some things are just unexplainable but one thing's for sure I'll miss you Puff Puff Pass Wish I could play that moment over Eyes red and crazy we were dumb broke and hungry So we scraped up all our nickels and went out to Spanish Harlem Got drunk off hooch from Gloria's I replay these stories 'cause Seasons pass us by and we think that we've got time But here we are at the end It's hard to let you go I'll miss you more than you know And I won't forget how you made me feel Remember that time we jumped in the lake Your black frame glasses fell right off of your face Just like kids we were kissin' Peter Piper tongues twister Too tasty to let you go Seasons pass us by and we think that we've got time But here we are at the end It's hard to let you go I'll miss you more than you know And I won't forget how you made me feel The creator made you for me Every sentence of our story And every story must come to end Lost loves and lessons learned It's bittersweet and brown to burn No pages left to turn We'll fade to black Seasons pass us by And we think that we've got time But here we are at the end It's hard to let you go I'll miss you more than you know And I won't forget how you made me feel (以下重复三次) Seasons pass and we think we've got time We are at the end Hard to let go more than you know How you made me feel - 欢迎追踪粉专 https://www.facebook.com/TVnMovieWatchers/