TKB5566 (我们的元首阿道夫希特勒)
2022-11-02 17:59:41维基百科对关于德国元帅莫德尔的记载,有一段是:
Model, along with all the other commanders involved, believed this aim was
unachievable given the resources available to the Wehrmacht on the West Front
at this late point in the war.[73] His first reaction to the plan was caustic
in the extreme: "This plan hasn't got a damned leg to stand on."[73] At the
same time, both he and Rundstedt felt that the purely defensive posture as
had been adopted since retirement from Normandy could only delay Germany's
defeat, not prevent it. Thus, he prepared Operation Herbstnebel, a less
ambitious attack that did not aim to cross the Meuse, but would still, if
successful, have inflicted a severe setback on the Western Allied Army groups
now bearing down on the Franco-German border.[73] A similar plan had been
developed by Rundstedt at OB West,[74] and the two field marshals combined
their idea to present a joint "small solution" to Hitler.[75]