Bedlem (Bedlem)
2021-08-28 22:35:21※ 引述《kaoru0913 (Doris)》之铭言:
: 前一段婚姻…我已经独立抚养二个小孩,前夫也是摆烂…不给抚养费。
: 年...迟迟因为他没特定工作及财产无法做执行。
: 目前这是我的第二段婚姻。
: 认识一年多,交往一年多,结婚一年。目前怀孕29周。
: 从交往到婚后,他一直是位嘴甜贴心的另一伴。
: 婚后除了偶发性吃醋的小争执外,没什么特别大的问题。
: 因为工作的关系…我们是周末夫妻。
: 就在这周,他突然性的闹脾气,说无法继续跟我过日子。一直要求要离婚...肚子里的
: 宝他也不想要了...要求去做引产。
: (会怀这个孩子…是他要求的。他独生子,第一段婚姻。很喜欢小孩…也说好只生这一
: 。)
: 因为他年纪比我小,我一直当他在闹脾气。好言相待与他沟通...也以为让他心情沈淀
: 下会有好转
: 但他的态度时好时坏…一下会像往常一样关心妳...一下又闹著问我何时可以签字离婚
: 他四处询问肯做人工引产的医院/诊所…周数这么大...生下来都会哭会活了…基于法令
: 人道…没有任何合法医疗机构肯做。
: 现阶段…我以为让他独自冷静,情形会有所好转,但我错了!
: 他想赶在宝宝出生前办离婚...我不肯。
: 当然我也明白留得住人…留不住心的道理。
: 我只希望在宝宝出生后厘清宝宝抚养责任再做结束。
: 目前...
: 他不同意共同监护,共同抚养
: 他不要监护权,抚养费只愿意每月负担5,000元
: 我每个月负担10,000抚养费,由他独立执行监护,他也不要。
: 我自己倾向放弃监护权,负担抚养费。不想再重蹈覆辙…
: 宝宝还没出生…离婚协议就谈不拢...宝宝该怎么办?
aska911 (aska)
2021-08-28 23:35:00虽然你在这版常被嘘,我是非常能理解你的感受的,因为我对造,也是跟你前妻一样的烂人
作者: Kimilulu 2021-08-29 21:40:00
作者: Atlantean (英国的夏天..) 2021-08-30 09:25:00
或许B大对前妻不友善, 但是前妻没出小孩抚养费是事实..这两件事应该分开看吧..
作者: Kimilulu 2021-08-30 09:58:00
hikaru924 (Affective Neuroscience)
2021-08-30 10:40:00B前妻有这么想要小孩就会上法院诉讼啦 笑死真的爱小孩就应该要付好扶养费 那是小孩的资源与发展两边都有问题 不用只挞伐B
sai0613 (赛嗓)
2021-08-30 17:38:00你真爱小孩的话,就不会对自己的小孩男女有差别待遇
You still can't accept your ex dumps you. You havebeen disrespecting single parent family and you arenot able to accept the fact you become a failure byyour own standard regarding single parent family.There are many great single parents including inthis board who deserve respect, but since you alwaysdisrespect any single parent family, you still can'taccept your ex dumped you and you become a failureby your own disdain of single parent families.that's great, if you really think it's case-by-case,there is really no reaso your daughter can't findgood husband due to growing up in a single parentfamily and it's time for you to accept the fact yougot dumped by your ex and become a failure by yourstandard of disdaining single parent families.
hikaru924 (Affective Neuroscience)
2021-09-05 14:58:00某sunny就只会急着扣帽子 我说双方都有问题希望小孩好 你经济可以的话 为什么不付抚养费的确协议就是协议 所以我支持B去法院诉讼抚养费问题他不去又一直抱怨就是他的问题 你sunny就只是B酸而已
You simply can't accept you got dumped, it's reallynot about your ex, it's about you got dumped andbecome a failure by your own standard. It's a pityyou still can't accept this simple fact after theseyears. You're just too proud to accept failure.Most people are able to accept the divorce and moveon, but you obviously can't accept the fact you gotdumped after these years. You're just too proud toface rejection.
keep telling yourself whatever makes you avoidreality. It's a pity you still can't accept the factthat you got dumped after these years. You're justtoo proud to admit rejection.it doesn't matter, it's not really about your ex.it's about you too proud to admit rejection. It's apity you still can't accept the fact you got dumpedafter these years.
djboy (雞尾酒)
2021-09-10 09:32:00妳前妻不付抚养费,是因为你要二个孩子的监护权你把一个孩子给前妻,就没有这个问题了。别睁眼说瞎话你抢了小孩的监护权,赚了这么大,还在这边哭爹叫娘,实在看不下去。觉得我不对的话,觉得有小孩不是最好的,就把一个送回给妈妈啊!
again, it's not really about your ex. It's about younot able to accept the fact you got dumped. It's apity you're still too proud to admit rejection afterthese years.no, it's not always equal in every relation. You gotdumped and you're just too proud to admit it. Keepfinding excuses to help you avoid reality. It's apity you still can't admit rejection after years.ha ha, you're really desparated. What's written inconstistuion doesn't always reflect reality. Anyway,it must be hard for you to realize this world is notfair and not everything is equal. Keep finding moreexcuses to help you avoid reality. It's a pity youstill can't accept the fact you got dumped nor admitrejection after these years.it's actually kind of sad you're so desparate thatyou use equality in front of law to imply equalityin every relationship. No, not everything is equalin this workld and it's time for you to man up toaccept you got dumped.
hikaru924 (Affective Neuroscience)
2021-09-17 12:37:00他已经承认他被拒绝了 看清楚再打英文
Cool!! He finally admited he got rejected and gotdumped by his ex after these years.Really happy for you to finally admit you got dumpedby your ex after these years. This is a big step foryou!btw, both your friend and you misunderstand therejection here, it refers to rejection in relation-ship, but anyway, so glad you admit it now and canface the fact you got dumped by your ex.
自己都养不起了还养小孩,是要感谢啥?要小孩的一方有本事就自己养啦 在那边哭抚养费真的好笑基本上没同住就没什么感情了只会越看越厌恶那么爱钱当初不跟有钱人在一起?
Again, keep making more excuses to avoid reality.None of the excuses you make matters until you canacknowledge the simple fact you got dumped. You'retoo hurt and too proud to admit that you, as aperson, got rejected in the relationship. It's apity you still can't face the fact you got dumpedafter these years.No, the reality is that you got dumped and you're sohurt about it. You're just too proud to admit thatyou, as a person, got dumped in the relationship.But feel free to make more excuses to avoid reality,none of your excuses matters until you admit you gotdumped after these years.