一直显示KYC 状态: 搁置, 寄了客服也没回应
STEP5显示:FTX Trading Ltd. 领取状态: Claim Submitted
也有信箱收到一份PDF: Customer Claim Form ,这样能算已经完成流程了吗??
Please note that the FTX Debtors have also requested KYC information as part
of the customer claim process. As such, we urge you to begin the Know Your
Customer (“KYC”) process. Please note that it is NOT mandatory for you to
have a verified KYC status in order to submit a claim. If you wish to submit
a customer claim, you may do so during your KYC process prior to the Bar
Date. Additionally, you do not need to have your KYC process completed and
verified by the Bar Date. The KYC review and verification process will
continue after the Bar Date.