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作者: pzs (肥了 囧) 看板: documentary
标题: 委内瑞拉的反全球化纪录片
时间: Thu Sep 21 00:12:01 2006
Venezuela Bolivariana:
People and Struggle of the Fourth World War is a 76 min documentary
(here divided in 7 parts) that examines the Bolivarian Revolution
of Venezuela as connected to the worldwide movement against capitalist
globalization. The film shows the evolution of the popular movement
in Venezuela from the "Caracazo" riots of 1989 to the massive actions
that brought revolutionary president Hugo Chavez back to power, 48 hours
after a U.S.-led military coup in 2002.
The main theme is how the Bolivarian Revolution, thanks to its incredible
grassroots and networking power, is a revolution that transcends the
national frontiers of Venezuela and contributes with concrete alternatives
to the fight against neoliberal capitalism.