Kangin75 (Damaris)
2019-09-06 16:47:22※ [本文转录自 Brethren 看板 #1R-cKmYP ]
作者: Kangin75 (巴录) 看板: Brethren
标题: [情报] 犹太教的六种重生与出处
时间: Sun Nov 25 17:02:36 2018
1. Proselyte Conversion: Encyclopedia Judaica: Vol. 13, Col. 118 Jewish
Encyclopedia: Vol. 10, pg. 223. Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah: Vol. 1,
pg. 384
2. Crowned King: Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah: Vol. 1, pg. 384. Yalkut
on 1 Sam. 13
3. Bar Mitzvah: Nicodemus, A Rabbi’s Quest, Ariel Ministries, Manuscript #16,
pg. 2
4. Rabbinic Ordination: Peninim on the Torah, pg. 233
5. Head of a Rabbinic Academy (Yeshiva): Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah,
Vol. 1, pg. 384
6. Marriage: Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Vol. 1