At this point I wish to set forth the division of Gregory's Treatise Against
Apollinarius as divided into nine sections according to the scheme offered by
1) Introduction: correct perception of the faith is the enlargement of
the flock (Church). J.131-2.
2) Against Apollinarius' claim that in Jesus God had suffered death,
Gregory counters with his own teaching that in Jesus, both divinity and
humanity are clearly distinguished. J.133-47.
3) Against the claim of the eternity of Christ's physical body, Gregory
maintains that the Incarnation occurred within space and time. Christ assumed
our humanity and raised it up. J.147-62.
4) Christ's humanity is essentially human nature. He did not lack reason.
5) Against Apollinarius' contention that Christ was an enfleshed mind (nous
ensarkos), Gregory teaches the distinction of two natures in the Redeemer.
反对亚波里拿流相信的,基督是一个被肉身包裹的心思(nous ensarkos),贵格利教导
6) Against the doctrine that Christ lacked reason, Gregory shows that all
capacity for virtue which Jesus shows to mankind requires reason for it to
function. J.194-9.
7) Gregory demonstrates against Apollinarius the unity of Christ's divine
nature in the Incarnation and teaches that Christ is composed of two
different natures, not simply one. J.199-208.
8) Gregory shows that a trichotomist understanding of human nature cannot be
applied to Christ, that Christ is perfect man and perfect God, and that after
the resurrection Christ's humanity is transformed as well as ours. J.208-30.
9) Conclusion: the Apollinarist significance of Christ's passion must be
avoided. Gregory concludes with a brief passage from Apollinarius. J.230-33.
As Muhlenberg correctly says, this outline does not bring out all the fine
points of Apollinarius' theology. Gregory has taken a thematic approach to
Apodeixis and attempts to see their inner unity that he may counter with an
orthodox position.
For Apollinarius, any form of union with Christ which combines the divine
Logos with a human soul leads to submerging the human in the divine and
therefore to a loss of freedom on our part. Gregory often touches upon this
critical notion of freedom in his treatise as in J.141: "This faculty [free
choice] belongs to the mind and is not found among infants. How can a person
[referring to Apollinarius] who opposes and reduces free will to servility
lack a mind?" As Gregory later says in this same section, the freedom to
chose is what is most noble in man, and for Christ to lack such a choice, as
Apollinarius would have it in his theology, is an offensive interpretation of
scripture. Yet it is paradoxical that Apollinarius decided to oppose the
Antiochene tendency to stress this freedom of choice. Such a faculty is free
yet weak. "How, as [Apollinarius] says, can flesh be joined to God without
coercion and share in pure virtue? For who does not know that the correct
action of free choice is virtue? The flesh is a vehicle of free choice led by
the impulse of discretion, for free choice would be nothing if it were not
for mind and disposition" (J.197-8). Just below this passage (J.199), Gregory
defends this faculty in face of Apollinarius' belief that it is swallowed up
into Christ's divinity: "Not only is the mind in man but it is more noble
than everything else. The free, unconstrained inclination for the good is a
perfect witness to the mind" (J.199).
The kind of union espoused by Apollinarius stems from his Platonist view of
man's soul as the principle of life which distinguishes it from the inanimate
realm. Here all sentient beings, human beings and animals, possess a soul, so
there is nothing especially distinctive in this faculty. On the other hand,
spirit (pneuma) comes directly from God, the means by which man perceives
intelligible realities, and sets him off from the beasts. Because this spirit
is divine in origin it has a natural similarity for the Holy Spirit which can
easily take the place of a man without distorting his humanity. And when this
view is shifted to the incarnate Christ, Apollinarius presents us with a
divine man incapable of mutability and therefore of choice. Granted this is
an attractive solution for a problem with which we are all familiar. Keeping
in mind Apollinarius' Platonic view, he transferred the notion of the
spirit's escape from the material realm to our resurrection in Christ. As a
result, he could depict Christ as have one (divine) will without peril to
either his divinity or humanity. Apollinarius taught that in Christ the human
spirit as distinct from soul was substituted by the indwelling Holy Spirit of
the Logos.
By denying a rational soul to Christ Apollinarius came to the conclusion that
Jesus was devoid of human nature. On the other hand, he bestowed him with an
irrational soul (animal nature). It seems that the irrational body of Christ
lacks the dignity of a nature but has some form of reality. The combination
in his person of divinity and this irrational body is a mixture (mixis)
resulting in something new unlike either of the constituent parts.
Wolfson(28) believes that this belief has its roots in Greek chemistry,
especially in Aristotle's conception of predominance reflected in
Apollinarius. This means that the union of the irrational soul with the
Logos, the latter retains its nature but the irrational soul does not, just
its quality. When applied to the personhood of Jesus Christ, Apollinarius
claims that the divine nature of the Logos became incarnate in him while his
body retained its irrational soul and therefore suffer. It seems that Gregory
of Nyssa misunderstood Apollinarius on these grounds, saying that "the
Only-Begotten Son's divinity is mortal and...that his impassible, immutable
nature is subject to change and passion" (J.136).
Apollinarius shifted from a trichotomist (J.186-7) anthropology to account
for references in scripture to Christ's soul to a dichotomist position in the
face of criticism. Here he has the Logos taking the place of the human
intellect in Christ while retaining an irrational soul as Wolfson has pointed
out just above. Apollinarius' Apodeixis naturally follows into the former
stage of his development where the Logos takes the place of pneuma or nous in
Christ's humanity. Both the trichotomist and dichotomist phases of
Apollinarius have as their common feature a stress on the Logos as governing
principle and the passivity of the flesh, only the former group of writings
gives more attention to the Logos as the soul ruler of the flesh. These terms
were more popular in nature and did not belong to any particular school of
philosophy. Both phases do not lack the so-called communicatio idiomatum or
exchange of properties. As Grillmeier has noted(29), this is not merely a
logical-ontological matter for Apollinarius; rather, it acquires depth only
if one plays close attention, as did Apollinarius, to the two kinds of being.
时期都不缺少所谓‘communiatio idiomatum’或属性相通(exchange of properties)
It is clear from the excerpts selected by Gregory of Nyssa in his treatise
that Apollinarius takes his anthropology from the authority of St. Paul. The
bishop of Laodicea finds the text 1Thes 5.23 especially crucial for his
trichotomous position(30) even though Paul in other places speaks of a
dichotomous soul-body relationship. In Gregory's words, "[Apollinarius]
says...that the flesh is not inanimate, for this shows the spirit to be a
third entity in addition to soul and body. 'If man consists of these three
elements, the Lord is a man. Therefore, the Lord consists of three elements,
spirit, soul, and body'" (J.209). R. Norris says that the division into
dichotomy and trichotomy may be detected in Apollinarius' special used of St.
Paul's pneuma-sarx expression. He points out references in Paul suggesting
that these two aspects are not to be taken as implying a split in the
constitution of a person(31). It seems that for Apollinarius, the Pauline
division of flesh-spirit points to a person's humanity and enables one to
describe the composition of the Logos after the Incarnation when he assumed
human nature.
体三个部分构成。’(J.209)R. Norris说,我们可以从亚波里拿流使用保罗的灵—肉体
Century 网站提供的Lietzmann文献的英文翻译,亚波里拿流使用二元论的次数要远高于
It seems that in his zeal to defend the orthodox position Gregory of Nyssa
had misunderstood Apollinarius on this important point; he failed to see that
the bishop of Laodicea was attempting to formulate his Christological and
anthropological views. For Apollinarius, spirit in the case of Christ means
the Holy Spirit while in a human person it refers to a created spirit. It
must be kept in mind that he was assailing the Antiochene tendency to
perceive Christ in a dualistic fashion and desired to stress the unity
between nature and person. It seems that any reflection upon the teaching of
Apollinarius which is based upon unclear textual evidence such as the
excerpted sections in Gregory's treatise must be treated with caution.
Gregory seems to have overlooked the fact that Apollinarius intended to
perceive the flesh assumed by Christ and incorporated into his person was not
from eternity but formed a composite whole beginning at the Incarnation.
The insistence Apollinarius places upon the singularity of the divine Logos
after the Incarnation does not imply, as Prestige has remarked(32), that he
was a Monophysite. Although Gregory of Nyssa (as well as Gregory of
Nazianzus) accuse Apollinarius of teaching that Christ's human nature
preexisted, Scholars like Raven(33) have shown that this accusation was not
justified because a clearer appreciation of Apollinarius' position has
evolved from the fragments which have survived. Apollinarius says that "from
the beginning" the Incarnation involves two aspects, a human birth and a
heavenly descent. Gregory of Nyssa has taken the phrase "from the beginning"
as from the beginning of creation, giving rise to a misrepresentation of
Apollinarius' theology. Actually the bishop of Laodicea means that the human
body in Christ has come to participate in God's uncreatedness; Christ is
termed the heavenly Man because he descended from heaven to become man. It
seems that if Apollinarius is to be accused of heresy, it lies in his belief
that the divine spirit of God the Son was substituted in Christ for a human
mind. In other words, when God took human flesh, this is exactly the position
of Apollinarius; his battle with the Antiochene school prevented the bishop
of Laodicea to allow for any possible duality in the personhood of Christ. If
the flesh is dismissed from having a role, it follows that the soul too plays
no part in Christ and therefore by extension, to our salvation. In this case
the famous dictum of Gregory of Nazianzus holds true: "that which has not
been assumed has not been healed."
from the beginning)’,道成肉身牵涉到两个方面,一个人类的出生和一个属天的降临
uncreatedness);基督本成作属天的人(heavenly Man)乃是因为祂从天降下成为一个
In the words of Walter Kasper(34), Apollinarianism is essentially a
Hellenization of the Christian faith where God and man form one living whole
in Jesus Christ. God becomes part of the world and a principle within this
world whereas the coming of God's reign in Jesus Christ means that both
freedom and salvation for mankind is inverted. That is to say, God and man
impose limits upon each other and are mutually exclusive. The Church had been
influenced by Apollinarianism when it emphasized Christ's divinity to the
detriment of his humanity. In the course of time, devotion to the Virgin Mary
and saints took on a more prominent role to act as mediators between us and
用Walter Kasper的话说,亚波里拿流主义根本上是一种希罗化的基督教信仰,神和人在
The controversy with Apollinarius cen
ters around the interpretation of Lk 1.35, "The Holy Spirit will come upon
you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." This verse is
employed in J.139 and is used as a rebuttal to Apollinarius' statement, "If
the Son of Man is from heaven and Son of God from woman, how can he be both
God and man?' I believe that Christ is both man and God...for neither is the
divinity earthly nor is humanity divine; rather the power of the Most High
comes from above through the Holy Spirit which overshadowed our human
nature." As M. Canevet has observed(35), it is the notion of power (dunamis)
as perceived in Christ's humanity which saves mankind. This commands the
vision which Gregory of Nyssa has of the personhood of Jesus Christ.
Gregory's chief theme which runs through all his theology is to guard
Christ's divine attributes. With this fundamental principle in mind, we can
see that for the bishop of Nyssa the notion of becoming is applied not so
much to God becoming man but of man becoming God in Christ. This latter
principle helps to explain his stress upon the new creation. In a beautiful
passage dealing with the Incarnation (J.225-26) based upon Lk 1.35 as stated
above, Gregory of Nyssa understands the human nature of Christ in reference
to his salvific mission.
与亚波里拿流的争议环绕着对于Lk 1.35的诠释,‘圣灵要临到你身上,至高者的能力要
人性。’就像M. Canevet观察到的,这是一种在基督的人性中察觉到拯救人性的能力(
段根据Lk 1.35,以非常美丽的方式处理上述道成肉身问题的段落中(J.225-226),女撒
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