My first attempt for instrument rating was a failure. After recollecting
myself, I flew once again with my instructor a couple of days later. We made
sure each item caused the failure in the first attempt could be prevented or
1) In order not to be suprised by the intermittent PTT button, I made sure
the PTT button worked, and also made sure the handheld microphone besides the
trim wheel worked as well. I also called the FBO using the handheld
2) I made sure I know all the fixes and their crossing altitudes.
3) In the remark section of the IFR flight plan, I asked to be given missed
approach instructions prior to clearing me the approach.
4) I bought 2 copies of paper plates onboard. One copy was on my kneeboard,
and the other one was stowed in the side pocket of the plane.
The flying was uneventful and my instructor signed me off for the re-take.
On the day of the re-take, I completed a COVID-19 test first before heading
to KAUS airport for the exam.
The weather was MVFR. The ceiling was about 1500' AGL with 10SM visibility.
It was still within my personal minimum so I opted to do the exam.
We departed from KAUS, and entered the cloud shortly after. As we reached
4000' MSL we broke off from the layer. I put my foggle on. Throughout the
whole exam we were in and out of actual IMC. We spent about 1 hour in actual
IMC. It was my longest hand flying in actual IMC.
The first approach was VOR 17 into T74.
ATC directed me to ESDEF the IAF, and let me descend to 2500' MSL crossing
it. I also got a modified missed approach procedure when ATC cleared me the
I did a parallel entry, and used the hold in-lieu of a procedure turn. Once I
turned inbound I descended to 2200' MSL crossing ESDEF to shoot the approach.
After crossing ESDEF I realized I forgot to activate the approach on the
Garmin 430W GPS. I only loaded the approach and didn't activate it. I
activated the approach, but the GPS still shows the next waypoint as ESDEF,
not WADSA the MAP. While continuing making the descent I kept the CDI needle
centered, and used the FPL button on the GPS to locate WADSA, and loaded it
less than 1nm before reaching it.
We were at circling minimum reaching WADSA the MAP, I asked the examiner if
he had the field in sight. No answer. I asked him again, still no answer. I
started the missed approach procedure per instruction given by ATC earlier. I
also saw the field in my peripheral vision.
The next approach was RNAV (GPS) 13 into KEDC.
I loaded the next approach, got everything set up properly, before contacting
Austin approach. We were directed to CUSAT the IAF with another modified
missed approach procedure. Upon leveling off at cruise altitude the examiner
failed the attitude indicator and the heading indicator. I flew the approach
in a partial panel down to minimum.
In the final approach course crossing IKOXE the FAF, the examiner started to
ask me questions. I answered the first few, but then I realized that he was
trying to distract me and asked him to keep the cockpit sterile.
Some of his questions were very important though, and he explained them to me
later on the ground.
On the go the examiner asked for a block of altitude, and we did one unusual
attitude. That one he set was pretty tricky, you not only have to check the
airspeed indicator, but also have to cross reference with other gauges like
attitude indicator to do it properly.
The final approach was ILS 17R into KAUS.
The approach was uneventful. After crossing DA, I started to transition to
visual flight. When I was about to cut throttle and ready to flare, the
examiner took over the control. I was under the impression that I failed yet
again but I really didn't know why.
Runway 17R has about 12,000' and we had a pretty strong headwind of more than
20 knots. I watched him doing a slow flight under ground effect for about
6000' before landing at mid-field. He asked me to taxi back to the ramp.
Inside the cockpit we had a debrief:
- Garmin 430W has the quirk of getting you back to FAF if you activate the
approach too late. And we really need to get everything set up before
crossing FAF.
- What altitude makes you safe to turn in the modified missed approach
procedure? Circling minimum. Or 400' AGL, or altitudes specified in
non-standard ODP when you fly runway heading.
- When can you commence the turn in the modified missed approach procedure?
Upon reaching the departure end of the runway.
- Practice unusual attitude recovery more. Maybe do some upset recovery
The examiner gave the lecture in a sternly fashion so I thought I failed yet
again. He also didn't shake my hand in the airplane. It was only until inside
the office when I received the temporary certificate I realized I passed. I
burst into tears of joy and thanked him. He made a bow with hands folded in
front saying we should keep proper social distance so he didn't shake my hand
in the cockpit.