[网址] https://bit.ly/3eRMIS0
In a slight surprise, Singapore Airlines has prioritised sending its newest
Airbus A380 aircraft into long-term storage in Australia this weekend,
bidding farewell to over half its ‘Version 3’ superjumbo sub-fleet for at
least the next few months, including a refitted aircraft that had only been
back flying for 10 weeks with the latest cabin products.
This was after confirmation on Friday this week that four of the Airbus A380s
would be making the journey to Alice Springs, joining three of the airline’s
Boeing 777-200ERs that flew there three weeks ago.
The aircraft departed at approximate 1-hour intervals this morning, as
SQ8865 (Dep 01:43 / Arr 08:20)
SQ8866 (Dep 03:03 / Arr 09:39)
SQ8867 (Dep 03:59 / Arr 10:34)
SQ8868 (Dep 05:08 / Arr 11:41)
目前新航有19台A380 有改舱的目前有7台
另外先前新航也封存了所有772 估计也不会再拿出来用了