→ wtchen: 还有ACI字幕说FO受训时是在法国用旧版程序,07/05 22:47
→ wtchen: 法国版比泰国版还晚更新程序?07/05 22:48
根据英文版调查报告 3-29
(2) Simulator training
1. China Airlines did not have simulators for the A300-600R aircraft. Therefore,
they conducted simulator training for the said aircraft type by using simul-
ator owned by Thai International Airways of Thailand and Aeroformaiton of
France (China Airlines contracted part of pilot training to Airbus Industrie
, subcontracted this to Aeroformation.).
2. The CAP underwent simulator training for the A300-600 aircraft type in the
Thai Internaitonal Airways' simulator approved by the Thai aviaiton author-
The F/O underwent this same training for the said aircraft type in the Aero-
formaiton simulator approved by the French aviaiton authorities, and period-
ically in the Thai International Airway's simulator.
3. The simulator training manual used by China Airlines was prepared by Aerofo-
mation of France. However, it had not been updated.
王乐琦从军方退伍后先飞B747-200 再飞747-400 最后飞AB6
庄孟容当培训机师 被送去UND 学成归国后直接飞AB6
而他的模拟机训练在Aeroformaiton of France 进行
Aeroformaiton of France的模拟机没有做A300-22-6021的更新
而华航的Simulator Training Manual 是根据Aeroformation Of France做的
However, it had not been updated.....
可是王乐琦在泰航的模拟机 推杆是可以Override Horizontal Stabilizer
所以王乐琦的推杆动作其实是正确的改出动作 可唯一的问题 华航没更新....