S18E07 Qantas Flight 72 Free Fall
这集的受访者Fuzzy Maiava 在推特上发文
I'm disgusted and appalled that it's now coming up to 10 years and still
Captain Kevin Sullivan has not even been recognised for saving 315 passengers
and crew from almost certain death. It's criminal. You saved my life Skipper
and you will forever be my Superhero! Fuzzy
QF72事件中 Captain Kevin Sullivan a Former TOP GUN Pilot 以他精湛的技术
救了全机315PAX+CREW 而直到十年后的现在
Fuzzy 希望大家帮忙分享出去 让Kevin获得应有的荣誉及认可
是说这件事真的很扯 Sullivan机长事后罹患PTSD 不再信任自动驾驶