cppwu (肩膀酸痛 ..)
2015-08-10 01:10:03我国虽然不是 ICAO 正式成员, 但运作应该和 ICAO 规范相去不远,
所以理论上参考其他飞安单位针对国际民航组织 ICAO Annex 6 有关燃料管理
和 ATC 沟通讯息用词的规范, 应该有其价值.
参考资料: 欧洲航空安全局(EASA) 适航指令 2013-12
1. http://ad.easa.europa.eu/ad/2013-12
2. http://ad.easa.europa.eu/blob/SIB_201312_
短网址: http://tinyurl.com/nht5f5j
2013-12 : In-Flight Fuel Management –
Phraseology for Fuel Related Messages to Air Traffic Control (ATC)
2013-12: 飞航燃料管理 - 对 ATC 使用的燃料相关讯息之用词
Description: Through state letter 10/2012, ICAO announced the adopted
amendment 36 to Annex 6 Part I effective as of 15 November
2012. This amendment introduced, among others, new
standards for in-flight fuel management and a new fuel related
根据 state latter 10/2012, ICAO 公告 Annex 6 Part I 修正案 36
从 2012 年 11 月 15 日正式生效. 本修正案导入
The relevant standards are the following:
4.3.7 In-flight fuel management
飞航燃料管理 An operator shall establish policies and
procedures, approved by the State of the Operator, to
ensure that in-flight fuel checks and fuel management are
以确保飞航中的燃料检查和燃料管理有确实执行. The pilot-in-command shall continually ensure that
the amount of usable fuel remaining on board is not less
than the fuel required to proceed to an aerodrome where a
safe landing can be made with the planned final reserve
fuel remaining upon landing.
机长(PIC)需持续确保机上可用油量, 不低于可安全降落机场,
且落地后仍保有计画中的最终保留油量. The pilot-in-command shall request delay
information from ATC when unanticipated circumstances
may result in landing at the destination aerodrome with
less than the final reserve fuel plus any fuel required to
proceed to an alternate aerodrome or the fuel required to
operate to an isolated aerodrome.
当不可预料之情况, 导致降落在目的地机场时, 油量会低于
1) 计画最终保留油量, 加上
2) 飞往备降场 或 航向另一机场(注) 之油量
之总和时, 机长应由 ATC 取得延迟资讯.
(注: isolated aerodrome) The pilot-in-command shall advise ATC of a
minimum fuel state by declaring MINIMUM FUEL when,
having committed to land at a specific aerodrome, the pilot
calculates that any change to the existing clearance to that
aerodrome may result in landing with less than planned
final reserve fuel.
当最低油量状态成立时, 机长应对 ATC 宣告 MINIMUM FUEL.
最低油量条件为, 当已经决定降落在某特定机场时,
若目前所得之降落许可发生任何变化, 导致降落时油量低于计画最终保留油量.
Note 1.— The declaration of MINIMUM FUEL informs ATC
that all planned aerodrome options have been reduced to
a specific aerodrome of intended landing and any change
to the existing clearance may result in landing with less
than planned final reserve fuel. This is not an emergency
situation but an indication that an emergency situation is
possible should any additional delay occur.
宣告 MINIMUM FUEL 告知 ATC 所有的计画降落机场选项,
会缩减至单一特定机场, 且对既有降落许可的任何改变,
这并不是一个紧急状态, 但预告了当有任何延迟发生, 就可能发生紧急状态.
Note 2.— Guidance on declaring minimum fuel is
contained in the Fuel Planning Manual (Doc 9976). It
should be noted that Pilots should not expect any form of
priority handling as a result of a “MINIMUM FUEL”
declaration. ATC will, however, advise the flight crew of
any additional expected delays as well as coordinate when
transferring control of the aeroplane to ensure other ATC
units are aware of the flight’s fuel state.
在燃油计画手册(Doc 9976)中有针对最低油量的指导.
飞行员应注意宣告 MINIMUM FUEL, 并不代表一定会得到优先处理.
ATC 将会告知飞航组员有关于任何可能发生的延迟, 并协调当控制权转至
机场时, 其他 ATC 单位也会注意到该航班的油量状态. The pilot-in-command shall declare a situation of
fuel emergency by broadcasting MAYDAY, MAYDAY,
MAYDAY, FUEL, when the calculated usable fuel
predicted to be available upon landing at the nearest
aerodrome where a safe landing can be made is less than
the planned final reserve fuel.
当降落在可安全降落的最近机场时, 计算出的预期可用油量
会低于计画最低保留油量时, 机长应透过广播 MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, FUEL
Note 1.— The planned final reserve fuel refers to the value
calculated in e) 1) or 2) and is the minimum amount
of fuel required upon landing at any aerodrome.
计画最低保留油量请参考 e 1) 或 2) 定义.
Note 2.— The words “MAYDAY FUEL” describe the nature
of the distress conditions as required in Annex 10, Volume
II,, b) 3.
"MAYDAY FUEL" 陈述了由 Annex 10, Volume II b)3 定义的危急状态.
Note 3.— Guidance on procedures for in-flight fuel
management are contained in the Fuel Planning Manual
(Doc 9976).
在燃油计画手册(Doc 9976)包含了针对飞航燃油管理的指导.
/* end of reference */
一般 final reserve fuel 应该是 30min 的油量.
以 MAYDAY FUEL 的发生条件来看, 除非电脑计算有问题,
否则根本不会有在降落后, MAYDAY 条件解除的可能.
因为 MAYDAY FUEL 就已经阐明
"当降落最近机场后, 预期所剩油量将低于 30min 油量"