ntbi (口屋~)
2019-04-26 19:55:31Something that someone is telling you is taking you in one direction. But at t
he same time, Aquarius, your intuition is taking you in another direction. Tha
t does not mean that you should challenge everything that is said or express t
he vibes you are picking up too soon. Let this play out. See how far it goes.
Learn what you can about it, and let your sixth sense guide you. You will know
when the moment is right to speak up about what you are picking up.
某人告诉你的某事正带着你朝着一个方向发展。 但与此同时,水瓶座,你的直觉正在把
你带到另一个方向。 这并不意味着你应该挑战所说的一切,或者表达你过早发现的感觉
。 让这个显现出来。 看看它能如何发展。 看看你可以做些什么,让你的第六感指导你
。 你会知道什么时候是适当时机来说出你正在获得的东西。