ntbi (口屋~)
2019-04-22 23:28:32Where there are mountains, Aquarius, there are also valleys. When you are stan
ding at the top of a high peak in life, you can look down on what lies below y
ou and see it as unreal or as not affecting you in any way. But you can't live
at the peak forever. You may now be experiencing a metaphorical valley in you
r life. But even being there, you can see where you want to go, and you can ce
rtainly get there. Each experience in your life helps you to evolve, and so ea
ch is valuable in its own way. Try to see your current experience and position
in this way.
哪里有山,水瓶座,哪里就还有山谷。 当你站在人生高峰的顶端时,你可以瞧不起山峰
下的东西,当作它是不真实的,或者它不会以任何方式影响你。 但你永远不能生活在巅
峰。 你现在可能正在经历一个生活中的隐喻山谷。 但即使在那里,你也可以看到你想去
的地方,而且你一定可以到达那里。 生活中的每一次经历都可以帮助你进化,每种体验
都有其价值。 尝试以这种方式看待你当前的经历和处境吧!