[情报] 2019/04/22 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: ntbi (口屋~)   2019-04-22 00:31:29
It is always much easier to take on a tough assignment or challenge when you k
now you have someone who cares by your side. That way, Aquarius, you can face
any hardships, hurdles, or disappointments in a much more optimistic way. Shar
ed troubles are divided troubles as they say. If you are having a hard time st
arting something you anticipate will be problematic, allow yourself to share w
hat you are feeling with someone who cares. Just knowing that someone understa
nds might be all you need to move forward.
当你知道有一个在乎你的人在身边时,承担艰难的任务或挑战总是容易得多。 在这样的
情况下,水瓶座,你可以以更加乐观的方式面对任何艰辛,障碍或失望。 如前人所说的
,说出你的困难,困难就会更容易解决。 如果您很难开始可能会有问题的事情,请让自
己与关心你的人分享你的感受。 你可能只是需要知道有人是理解你的,而这就能帮助你
作者: topaz4587 (Topaz)   2019-04-22 12:16:00

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