[润稿] 征求商业小作文英英润稿

楼主: zhangzheng (Mr.Q)   2021-01-03 19:51:40
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The rate of women who dedicate themselves to business raised rapidly in recent d
ecades, and far more female shows up than it used to be. In the past, people bel
ieved that women should stay at home, either do the house chores or take care of
children. However, this concept has become lagged due to the rising women's rig
hts movement, and women started to play an essential role in the workplace. For
example, Sheryl Sandberg, she is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook; Anny L
iu, Managing Director of Tencent, etc.
作者: LLsbb   2021-01-14 17:50:00

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