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[必]联 络 人:詹先生
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Plan or No Plan?
Twenty-five years ago Barbara Wootton wrote a pamphlet, Plan or No Plan,
which had a profound impact on public and policymakers. Her thesis was
simple: Planning is a necessity; therefore centralized Socialist
dictatorship, controlling alike society and economy, is a necessity. For the
only alternative to centralized planning by fiat from above is the mad,
self-destructive chaos of “no plan.”
There were quite a few things wrong with the argument even then—it was naive
to the point of being disingenuous. But the syllogism appeared almost a
truism only a few short years ago—and by no means only to Communists and
Socialists. In those days American business also shared the view. The
National Recovery Administration (NRA) through which, with enthusiastic
business support, Franklin D. Roosevelt first attempted to overcome the
Depression, was in essence centralized planning from above for the entire