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[必]统一编号: 24771111
[必]负 责 人: 周延鹏
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This range encompasses everything from the minority “patent trolls” that
are disproportionately well known in popular culture to the majority of
legitimate NPEs that are not as well known to the public.
Since NPEs, generally speaking, seem to be so widely misunderstood, this blog
post will examine some of the benefits that “non-troll” NPEs can provide.
To begin with, universities, research institutes, and pure R&D companies,
which produce no products, are a type of NPE that can provide a variety of
useful benefits. Chief among these is new innovation and new technology. It’
s not surprising that some of the world’s most important innovations have
come from this type of NPE, and it should also come as no surprise that these
NPEs are a valuable source of patent licenses and investment.
Next, certain types of NPEs, especially professional NPEs, provide a
different kind of benefit. As opposed to the research-centered NPEs mentioned
above, these NPEs do not have any of their own research capabilities.
Instead, they help patent owners to maximize value, in particular sales
revenue, royalty revenue, and IP financing.