corhe (corhe)
2016-03-17 20:13:33[必]工 作 量: 1,329字
[必]工作报酬: 1,500元
[必]涉及语言: 英译中
[必]所属领域: 商业/专利相关
[必]文件类型: 论文节录内容
[必]截 稿 日: 3/19(六) 23:59之前
[必]应征期限: 3/18(五)
[必]联络方式: 站内信
[必]付费方式: 交稿后2天内付清,若有特殊需求可再讨论
[选]试 译 文:(100-200字,并不超过全文1/10。严禁私下试译。若未提供请勿删除)
1. Global technology standards provide interoperability, which enables new
inventions to achieve the network effects that provide a force multiplier in
the consumer value equation.
2. It is imperative that the IEEE-SA and other SSOs consider their policy
moves carefully, so as to avoid ill-advised “updates” that cater to the
interests of partisan lobbyists and run the risk of doing more harm than good.