[笔译] 1/字_笔_英译中_数位资料文章_7500字_0829

楼主: rabichiao (ヾ芮比‧敲ノ)   2014-08-17 02:09:31
[必]工 作 量: 约7500字
[必]工作报酬: 1/字
[必]涉及语言: 英译中
[必]所属领域: 数位资料法定送存(图书馆)
[必]文件类型: 文章
[必]截 稿 日: 8/29或再弹性1-2天
[必]应征期限: 8/20 但希望能尽快征得
[必]联络方式: 站内信
[必]付费方式: 确认没问题后即转帐
[选]工作要求: 因还会再自行整理内容&润饰,故译文不会十分要求用字遣词
[选]试 译 文:
The Code du Patrimoine distributes the responsibility for legal deposit
between three cultural institutions: the Bibliothe`que nationale de France,
the Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA, the French national broadcasting
archive) and the Centre national du cine’ma et de l’image anime’e
(CNC, in charge of preserving motion pictures). Regarding specifically digital
legal deposit, the forthcoming decree should define the division of
responsibility between the BnF and INA. In the meantime, an ad hoc division
has been agreed between the two institutions, following the logic of the
continuity of their respective mandates and collections: INA collects Internet
publications relating to television and radio broadcasting in France, and the
BnF collects all other material. This division should be fixed more precisely
in the forthcoming decree. In this article, the focus on the practical aspects
of the collect of Internet materials is based on the experience at the BnF;
INA has a different approach based on much more frequent crawls of a smaller
number of sites, with a strong, complementary focus on stream media.
While the legal responsibility for the collection and its display lies with
the BnF and INA, other institutions and organisations may be involved in the
process, particularly where there is a selection of material to be collected.
The BnF has already put in place experimental cooperation with the 25 French
regional libraries charged with receiving legal deposit from printers (known
as Bibliothe`ques du de’po?t le’gal imprimeur, or BDLI); these libraries
have been involved in selecting sites from their respective regions to be
archived during national or regional election campaigns. Researchers and
specialists from a variety of organisations (universities, associations...)
have also been involved in selecting sites for other thematic or event-based
projects and datasets such as web activism, online literature or sustainable
development and the green web. Such possibilities should be further explored,
although there are implications in terms of providing access to the
collections, which are discussed below.
There are in France other initiatives in the area of web archiving, outwith
the context of legal deposit legislation. Some researchers and universities
are actively engaged in research and development projects regarding the web,
and this may involve archiving web material. Most active is the Internet
Memory Foundation (previously known as the European Archive Foundation),
a not-for-profit foundation that aims to preserve the Internet and, more
recently, the Medialab at Sciences Po in the social sciences area. However,
only INA and BnF can benefit from the specific dispositions attached to the
legal deposit legislation, in particular the possibility to harvest websites
without asking permission to the publishers.
While in France, which has a well-known tradition of administrative and
cultural centralism, the question of the distribution of tasks between
heritage institutions is mainly discussed in relation to the respective
mandates of the BnF and INA, which are both located in Paris, other countries
have to clarify the distribution of tasks from a different perspective. A
frequent situation involves questioning the division between the National
Library and the National Archives (this is the case in the UK, for instance).
Another one, in the case of federal administrations, requires envisioning more
largely distributed and cooperative organisation schemes, such as networks of
regional, specialised libraries (as in the case of Switzerland or Germany).
Regardless of specific legislations, other forms of networks may develop as
in the case of the United States. There, under the umbrella of the National
Digital Infrastructure Preservation Program (NDIIPP) led by the Library of
Congress, one finds a variety of institutions actively engaged in web
archiving such as the non-for-profit foundation Internet Archive, the
California Digital Library or the University of North Texas.

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