tlyeh (aliang)
2017-11-11 06:40:56※ [本文转录自 Teacher 看板 #1Q1YdUIG ]
作者: tlyeh (aliang) 看板: Teacher
标题: [分享]国际讲座11/21二下午HBDI之于组织发展与战略的运用(现场直译
时间: Sat Nov 11 06:36:11 2017
一套让自己可以 探索 引申 推理 发想 的 着眼点与概念
CEO of Herrmann International - 五百大企业的幕后推手
11/21二 13:30-16:30, 中国文化大学推广教育部 建国本部大夏馆 B1国际会议厅 ( 台
北市建国南路二段231号 + 和平东路 东北角)
国际讲座: HBDI之于组织发展与战略的运用 (现场直译)
让你了解如何: 整合人才优势、更新战略思维,在不断变革的世代中脱颖而出!
我亲身经历的分享: 抱歉来不及翻成中文 这是我给 Ann 的回馈报告草稿.
Status Report - Gratitude Welcome To Ann Herrmann
I have been teaching mechatronics and controls course series through hands-on
assignments in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for 24 years in the
MVMC and ACAL team with Professor Shyh-Biau Jiang and our students over the
Learning HBDI had converted me from my first 5 years of a nerd type
industrial professional to a teacher with mentorship in the following years.
Holding an ambitious commitment to generate human resources ready for the
mechatronics instrumentation and the machinery system development, we
squeezed, by essence, optomechanics, mechatronics interfacing (digital and
analog), and control algorithms into the conventional Mechanical Engineering
We had only one to two semester courses at most to bring up the core for
each specialty to the level capable of further industrial self development.
It has been a horrendous target to reach!
I have known informally my HBDI profile [A33 D27 B22 C15] in relative %,
while truthfully [A36 B28 D20 C14]% with my self since I attended Dean Edward
and Monica Lumsdaine's Workshop on Enhancing Engineering Creativity in 1994.
I learned that, of such nerd type profile, I could have alienated 6% of
students - the prominent / dominant C's and I was doomed to have difficulties
with 50% of the students who are non-A's.
. * informal: Apparent -, True:, Expectation