[问题] Queen Mary推荐信提供方式

楼主: dorischi (doris)   2022-08-28 17:41:20
大家好,有关英国Queen Mary(我是想要申请LLM)的推荐信提供方式,看了以下网站上
open reference”的概念…)
1. 老师已提供推荐信给你,那就自己彩色扫描后,上传至申请系统;或
2. 提供老师的email(是提供到上传系统吗?),让系统寄email给老师,老师自行上传
Referee details.
Your academic referee(s) may already have provided you with a reference that y
ou can use to support any application for study or research that you make. We
call these ‘open’ references. Open references will normally only be accepted
if they are written on headed paper, provided as a colour copy of the origina
l, and provide the referee’s work contact details.
If you have open references, please upload these at the time of application I
f you do not have open reference, we will contact your referee(s) via email to
supply a reference, preferably electronically. Please note, we can only accep
t a reference provided by email if it is sent from a university or company ema
il address. References from a personal email address such as 'Yahoo' or 'Hotma
il' are not acceptable.
Your referee(s) can also supply a paper reference in response to the referenc
e request email your referee will receive. Paper reference forms should be end
orsed by an appropriate institution/company stamp or on official institution/c
ompany letterhead, and should be provided as a scanned colour copy of the orig
作者: keigi (石竹)   2022-08-29 12:42:00
作者: ewayne (ec)   2022-08-29 14:10:00
它写的很清楚了。open reference就是避免申请人作假,上传假的推荐信,看清楚它的规定吧
楼主: dorischi (doris)   2022-08-29 16:15:00
感谢~~因为其他学校确保真实性的方式都没那么复杂,也没open reference概念,所以想确认一下
作者: cerenis (虐待动物不得好死。)   2022-08-31 08:20:00

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