[租屋] 伦敦LSE/King’s附近ensuite room转租

楼主: ju06080719 (翁嗡)   2021-08-25 12:21:00
地点:urbanest Westminster Bridge, 203 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1
房型:ensuite room (私人卫浴+共有厨房);附built-in desk and chair, underflo
or heating, bed and plenty of storage space, private bathroom
房租:£314/per week (含Wi-Fi, insurance and utility bills)
交通:走路去LSE 25分钟;近Lambeth North、Waterloo、Westminster站
其他设施:健身房(付费)、study room、公共厨房(含Refrigerator、Freezer、Microw
ave、Oven、Hob)、Leisure Facilities(Common room、Table Tennis Table、Communa
l televisions)

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