ohyagogo (ohyagogo)
2021-02-11 23:47:07大家好!
我申请2021 Fall Ohio State University ISE PhD Program,2/6时收到OSU office of
Graduate的来信,说offer you admission,想请问:
1. 要怎么看有没有给funding?还是这样确定没有给funding?
2. 还是流程上我要先accept admission,才会知道后续消息?但我还有其他学校结果还
3. 还是要自己联络有兴趣领域的老师,看看有没机会给funding?
4. 要怎样才有机会拿到funding?(学费减免或给一点奖学金)
Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to the Industrial and S
ystems Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy program at The Ohio State University
for the autumn 2021 semester on the Columbus campus. As a graduate student at
The Ohio State University you will have the opportunity to work with outstandi
ng graduate faculty.
Please be sure to read this email in its entirety and save it for future refer
It is important that you log into your Applicant Center to:
? Accept or decline your offer of admission by clicking the Accept / Decline
link on the main page.
? Pay the tuition deposit (if required by the program) when accepting your ad
mission using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.
? Verify/update your contact information.
一般有funding会在信里说, 或之后另寄一封信写明你可以直接寄信去问确定要去再按accept, accept期限通常是四月中不必急着现在按, 而且funding资讯若有一定会在期限前告知你如果确定没funding就只能试着连络教授了,看他们今年还有没有RA可以给你也可以写信问系上有没有TA RA的机会
Sulstan (翼鹏)
2021-02-12 04:55:00Congrats!!建议参考illousion大的文章
illousion (Es tut mir Leid)
2021-02-12 07:10:001这个信没有钱 2找到钱再accept 3要自己联络有兴趣老师4最好是有老师想收你给你RA/TA 不然靠自己争取TA每年都要跟所有硕博士生抢TA 不保证博士一定有TA当系上很穷 有钱的老师学生都很满 祝好运如果有其他给全奖的学校+OSU找不到老师给你钱 请放心去
现在就去 你以为别人不会去?学校现在就放出来 就是给你这个用途的啊 XD
illousion (Es tut mir Leid)
2021-02-12 15:03:00不会早,我还怕太晚,ISE很多老师没有认识学生之前不会不会给钱,除非你是他们自己招进去的但是有试有机会,也许老师们想法改变了我觉得不会不好,钱是很现实的,哪里有钱就去哪里读
(依照osu PhD 的惯例应该会由提供stipend 跟funding,不过会不会叫你去当RA主要你未来老板的funding 跟规划,总而言之先问清楚再做决定)
illousion (Es tut mir Leid)
2021-02-14 15:52:00楼上讲的不对 我不知道你OSU什么系但是每个系的决策不一样 至少ISE的钱是要自己问出来的 录取信没有钱在OSU工学院某系的stipend就比其他系多400