[情报] 入境上hybrid课程未必符合CPT要求

楼主: roastchicken (咕咕咕)   2020-07-29 15:02:44
学生可以选择到校 也可以同步远距 故外国学生可拿F1
如果赶着来美国是为了CPT时数的可以参考一下 或问自己的学校相关情形
I am an incoming international student, expecting to arrive in the U.S. for
Fall on an F-1 visa. Will I be eligible to pursue a work experience for
Summer 2021?
Aligners may have received information regarding our intent to provide
pathways for them to begin an internship/co-op as early as semester 3.
However, we have just received word from Khoury leadership that NUFlex
courses in the fall will not count toward the 2 semesters required for CPT
approval at this moment. We expect to update you with more information as we
receive it, hoping that there will be a change to this. Thank you for your
understanding as the College navigates guidance from the Department of
Homeland Security.
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2020-07-30 02:29:00
这个学校系统上都有了 去OIS问每一门课都是白纸黑字列上去的没有模糊空间 据我所知(南方校 ECE类) 几乎都是online 前两天ECEDHA一帮大头都直接讲了所谓hybrid现在有定义了 是真的人要到的上课under 大部份都online graduate很多online目前统计出来结果就是大概有快九成都online意思是 你选不到就要GG了 (我怀疑他们不要学生了)当然私校例外 私校有私校的做法
作者: ewayne (ec)   2020-07-30 01:06:00
作者: MIKEmike07 (加油!)   2020-07-29 21:45:00
讨论的是 online or hybrid, 你拉出一个meeting in person 是?这不难懂吧.. 我干脆是Office hour 是in person .. 但Office hour 是course ? 有 Credit ? 是hybrid or online 跟自己学校确认 不要瞎猜。 Online 也可以闯关试试啊,记得回报心得:)
作者: beargood718 (那我懂你意思ㄌ)   2020-07-29 18:51:00
作者: Transfat (Transfat)   2020-07-29 18:58:00
如果上课是online, 可是meeting 是in person ,不知道可不可以入境

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