※ 引述《s9221320 (金庸大爷忠实粉丝)》之铭言:
: 有些国家是封城禁外出,有些地方是外面很多病例太危险
: 现在很多留学生都被停课在家,
: 我觉得研究生大概不会因此乖乖在家日以继夜查资料读书
: 应该退化为最原始的夜冲夜唱联谊视讯耍废模式
: 好奇博士,博士后之类的
: 现在被停课在家都在干嘛?
HDR students (and postdocs) working from home should maintain a regular
contact with their academic supervisors by Skype or email (at the very least
one conversation or message exchange per week).
HDR students working from home should focus on prioritising the writing
of thesis chapters, producing publication quality figures, and drafting
research papers.