ahot (不做乡民了)
2020-01-12 11:27:22The Jin Lab in the Department of Genetics at Washington University School of
Medicine is seeking talented and enthusiastic staff computational biologists
and postdocs, and visiting scholars to join our interdisciplinary team. The
Jin Lab develops computational methodologies for integrative genomic analysis
of functional genomic data to better understand the complex genetic models
driving congenital/neurological diseases, including congenital heart disease,
congenital hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Applying
these results, we aim to characterize the biological mechanisms disrupted by
pathogenic mutations using molecular genetics and cell biological approaches
with the goal of translating these findings into effective therapeutic
treatments. Our lab webpage is available here: https://scjin.github.io/. If
you are interested, please DM or email me at [email protected]
各位大家好, 我叫做金圣智,我的实验室两个月后就要在Genetics Department at
Washington University in St. Louis 开张了!我的实验室主要是开发新的统计或是计算
的方法然后分析非常大的whole exome/genome sequencing data sets to identify
novel disease causal genes and pathways in rare diseases, including
congenital heart disease, hydrocephalus, and cerebral palsy, 如果你有空的话欢
迎来参观我的网页(https://scjin.github.io/). 我的实验室目前有多个staff
software engineers and postdocs缺,如果你对于在美国生活有向往并且希望自己的职涯
发展更上一层楼的话,请跟我直接联络 (DM me or email me at [email protected]). 我
我目前已经有发了33篇文章,其中第一作者Nature Genetics and Neuron 各一篇,现在还
有一篇一作正在Nature Genetics revision.其他共同作者文章有 Science (x1),
Nature (x1), Nature Genetics (x2), Nature Neuroscience (x1), Neuron (x2). 我现
在除了有start-up funds,我还有R00 award (PI) and R01 (x1, co-investigator),所以
我实验室是非常well funded.WashU Genetics/Genomics/Bioinformatics这两年在US
News都与Stanford and MIT并列全美第一名 (https://www.usnews.com/…
/top-science-scho…/genetics-rankings),而且St. Louis是一个生活非常便宜的地方这
络, 欢迎转贴,谢谢
If you are interested, please DIRECTLY email me at [email protected]