[征人] ETHZ PhD position in ChemEng

楼主: ac1028 (莫愁)   2020-01-10 11:43:26
Job description:
The objective of the current research program is to develop two-dimensional (2
D) metal carbide catalysts of the MXenes family and exploit these well-defined
model systems to elucidate their active sites, reaction mechanisms and select
ivity-determining factors in syngas conversion processes such as syngas-to-ole
fins and syngas-to-alcohols, viz. reactions related to the Fischer-Tropsch pro
cess that is realized on the industrial scale. The substitution of host metal
sites by dopant sites at low dopant concentrations will yield isolated single
sites of the dopant in the MXene lattice (solid solution). Such model 2D carbi
des will be studied in the FT process in the form of a multi-layer catalyst wi
th narrow pore sizes (ca. 0.7 nm size) as well as after dispersion of individu
al delaminated nanosheets on appropriate supports, in order to maximize metal
utilization. The main characterization techniques applied will be X-ray absorp
tion and emission spectroscopy and X-ray scattering, such as pair distribution
function (PDF) analysis, using both synchrotron based and benchtop instrument
s, DRIFTS and XPS.
This PhD program offers (and ultimately requires) fundamental understanding an
d proficiency in the mentioned characterization techniques as well as good com
mand of solid state synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis. The candidate will
apply these characterization tools to address relevant questions towards estab
lishing structure-performance relationships in MXenes catalysts.
对实验室有兴趣者可email至 [email protected] ;对职缺内容有疑问者,请连络连结内部的研
Link: https://jobs.ethz.ch/job/view/JOPG_ethz_SXnoIToDxLRfXNbZJf
作者: kittor   2020-01-10 16:47:00

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