[情报] 加拿大Concordia大学招全奖CS硕士博士生

楼主: z0991100238 (天漪)   2017-07-05 22:57:33
There are several fully-funded CS MSc or PhD positions at Concordia
University, Montreal, Canada starting January, May, or September 2018 in the
area of Software Engineering. Students who are interested in applied research
and have great programming skills are encouraged to apply. We work on several
areas within Software Engineering, including but not limited to: Mining
Software Repositories, Software Performance Engineering, Software Testing,
Log Analysis, and Applications of Program Analysis.
Concordia University is located in downtown Montreal, Canada. Concordia is
ranked as one of the top 100 universities under 50 years old in the world
Concordia has a very strong program in Computer Science, especially in the
area of Software Engineering. Concordia’s Software Engineering group is
ranked as top 50 in the world (http://csrankings.org/). Montreal is the
second largest city in Canada and is ranked as the best city for students in
the world
Interested applicants please send your resume and TOEFL score to Dr. Tse-Hsun
(Peter) Chen at [email protected]/*
作者: qitisland (qu-island)   2017-07-06 00:40:00
推 Peter 教授 人很nice~~
作者: pcpcpc (香蕉个芭乐)   2017-07-07 06:41:00
纯推montreal 排名目前最爱城市前三!

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