aezx (白胖胖)
2016-10-09 04:27:02CS MS 如果你已经有硕士学历的话这两年 UC基本都是不收的
UCSB还是可以丢 可是好像没看到人有硕士学历还是有上的..
Thank you for your interest in the School of Engineering at UC Irvine. Since
you currently possess a masters degree, the school recommends you apply to a
PhD program. We typically do not admit students for a second masters program.
Additionally, you may be able to transfer two courses into the program, but
it is not guaranteed and highly dependent on the program, but as previously
mentioned we recommend you apply directly into the PhD program.
当然凡事都有例外 钱多的话就丢吧
但是EE转CS 还是找那些有专门开给EE转的CS PROGRAM的学校吧
CS MS的竞争激烈到难以想像... QQ
※ 引述《stillboy (joey)》之铭言:
: 大家好
: 小弟已有EE学士+硕士学位
: 目前想申请UCSD, UCI, UCLA 的 CS MS
: 但查了板上资讯始终无法确定这几间CS MS是否会挡EE硕学历
: 寄信问了系办对方也都没有回QQ
: 而且都寄了不只一封
: 没办法只好来问板上有经验的大大们
: UC系列学校CS MS是否会挡EE硕学历呢?
: 谢谢
作者: shawnfu (...) 2016-10-09 10:46:00
其实不是专门开给ee转cs, 是专门开给非cs转cs