工作时间:星期一到五 早上7:30-下午4:00
薪水:试用期30k, 之后可议
不好意思工作描述只有英文版,如有问题请站内信,履历资料请寄 站内信或 suepa1@yah
Lead Therapy Assistant Job Description- Lefebre Consulting
Primary Clinical Responsibilities Implement all intervention procedures exa
ctly as described by supervising BCBA or other Lefebre Consulting staff member
s Communicate clearly and in a timely fashion any problems that occur regar
ding any aspect of the client’s program Videotape multiple programs (speci
fied by Lefebre Consulting supervising staff) working with client one time per
week Complete Lefebre Consulting staff training procedures (ITC- Instructi
onal Training Checklist, VBSA- Verbal
Behavior Skill Assessment, DBD- Data Based Decisions across and within session
) o Implement corrective feedback immediately related to intervention programm
ing Complete chart standards (formal checklist) on all charts Construct
or delegate construction of all program materials Maintain all client mater
ials in an organized system Scan and load client data into Google Drive twi
ce weekly Ensure enough practice opportunities for naturalistic teaching
occur throughout the day Attend
weekly team meeting with Lefebre Consulting staff online
Additional Supervision Responsibilities Gain reliability with ORL supervisi
ng staff on conducting ITC, VBSA scoring o After reliability is establish cond
uct ITC and VBSA with any new therapy assistants Facilitate weekly videot
Additional Supervision Responsibilities Gain reliability with ORL supervisi
ng staff on conducting ITC, VBSA scoring o After reliability is establish cond
uct ITC and VBSA with any new therapy assistants Facilitate weekly videot
aping of other therapy assistants Complete weekly task checklist Ident
ify academic skills that need support, and work with Lefebre Consulting staff
to create instructional sequences to address these skills Create a weekly s
chedule for both TA staff
Responsibilities to Family and School Communicate daily with family about c
lient’s day providing specific examples of strengths and areas that are being
targeted for improvement Provide family with a weekly schedule outlining b
oth therapy assistants schedule throughout the school day and after school
Communicate in a professional manner with family
Additional Translation Duties Translate written materials as needed Tran
slate program direction between team members Translate staff training proce
dures for team members
o Translate video footage and coaching through video Assist Lefebre Consult
ing Clinical Staff with programming as it relates to the Chinese language
Travel Potential US travel requirements during June and July each year