[新闻] 欧盟执委会已通过决定,承认台湾核发的

楼主: lulu1305174 (ㄌㄨˇ ㄌㄨˊ)   2021-12-21 19:21:44
完整标题:欧盟执委会已通过决定,承认台湾核发的 “COVID-19 疫苗接种证明书”
发稿单位:欧洲经贸办事处 European Economic and Trade Office (EETO)
撰 稿 者:欧洲经贸办事处 European Economic and Trade Office (EETO)
我们很高兴地宣布欧盟执委会已通过决定,承认台湾核发的 “COVID-19 疫苗接种证明书
”与欧盟核发的“欧盟数位 COVID证明”具同等效力。也就是说,经过欧盟机构的技术评
欧盟执委会今天作成的决议将于 2021 年 12 月 22 日生效。
欧盟数位 COVID 证明不会取代护照等旅行证件,也不会改变入境欧盟的条件。对非欧盟
境内的旅行者,若已接种欧洲药品管理局 (EMA) 授权的疫苗,将得到核可的证明。但欧
We are pleased to announce that the European Commission has adopted
equivalence decision certifying that COVID-19 certificates issued by Taiwan
are equivalent to the EU Digital Covid Certificates. It means that digital
certificates issued by Taiwan will be connected to the EU’s system. This
decision stems from a technical assessment performed by EU services. The EU
will accept Taiwanese COVID certificates under the same conditions as the EU
Digital COVID Certificate.
Holders of certificates issued by Taiwan will be able to use them under the
same conditions as holders of an EU Digital COVID Certificate do. At the same
time, Taiwan agreed to accept the EU Digital COVID Certificate for EU
nationals traveling to Taiwan.
The Commission’s decision adopted today will enter into force as of 22
December 2021.
As of now, 60 partners in five continents are connected to the EU system.
The EU Digital COVID Certificate does not replace travel documents, such as
passports, and does not change entry conditions into the EU. The validation
of certificates is foreseen for non-EU travellers having been inoculated
with one of the vaccines authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA),
but Member States may still decide to accept further vaccines, such as the
ones on the WHO Emergency Use Listing.

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