switch (pura vita!)
2020-04-04 13:23:25完整标题:'All our ICU patients are in their 50s or younger' - frontline Welsh doctor recovered from virus
发稿单位:Channel 4 News
发稿时间:Apr 4, 2020
撰 稿 者:Channel 4 News
Channel 4 News 专访英国 Wales Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport 的医师。
2:03 起谈到,原本通常ICU会有一些复原中准备离开加护病房的病人,还有一些病况没有其他人那么严重,只是需要一些支持性治疗的病人,但现在则是所有人都极度的不适,都需要呼吸器。
3:21 起谈到,他们原本也认为对 Covid-19 高龄者来说更危险,但令他们惊讶的是病人比他们预期中的更年轻。目前在该院加护病房的病人全都在50几岁以下。最年轻只有20岁出头。而且有些人原本非常健康,没有糖尿病等基础疾病,其中甚至包含健身教练。
10:35 起谈到,因为家属不允许进入,所以他们可以做且会做的事,就是在病人离世前陪在病人身旁,医生会在,护士也会在,如果必要他们会坐下来握住病人的手和他们讲讲话陪伴病人度过最后一刻。他说没有人该孤独地死去。
A critical care consultant in the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport is urging
the public to keep listening to government advice. (Subscribe:
Earlier this week, Dr David Hepburn warned the hospital had run out of space
in intensive care and had moved into operating theatres. This - in an area
which has seen the highest levels of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Wales.