[新闻] 英国封城,关闭店家

楼主: jerry78424 (青松碧濤)   2020-03-21 02:10:56
完整标题:Coronavirus: UK 'lockdown' as pubs, gyms and restaurants ordered to shut
发稿时间:17:12, 20 MAR 2020UPDATED17:53, 20 MAR 2020
撰 稿 者: DAN BLOOM
Pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants throughout the UK "must close tonight," the Prime Minister has ordered.
Boris Johnson told the venues to shut "as soon as they reasonably can" and not open tomorrow, as he acknowledged it was a "huge wrench" to close Britain's social venues.
The PM said nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms, and leisure centres must close too.
He urged Brits not to attempt go for one last Friday night out, adding: "You may be tempted to go out tonight and I say to you please don't, you may think that you are invincible - but there is no guarantee that you will get it.
"But you can still be a carrier of the disease and pass it on."
He added: "We want you as far as possible to stay at home."
He also pleaded with young people not to organise house parties, saying they could create a risk for elderly relatives.
The move was followed by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak announcing establishing a coronavirus job protection scheme to help employers and workers hit by the outbreak.

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