Re: [讨论] 为惊奇队长女性主义平反(雷)

楼主: senria (≡(?)≡)   2019-03-10 11:38:08
※ 引述《aliceyjl (在恩典上刚强起来)》之铭言:
: 标题: [讨论] 为惊奇队长女性主义平反
: 时间: Sun Mar 10 08:40:31 2019
: 这次惊奇队长被诟病的女性主义 是欲加之罪 何患无辞
: 个人在看惊奇队长时 并没感受到强烈的女性主义
: 推 Callmefatty : 推 冠上女权的人应该不知道什么是女权吧 03/10 10:15
: 推 kenliu100 : 推这篇,一堆人看了评论才一直把女性主义套到电影 03/10 11:07
: → kenliu100 : 里 03/10 11:07
: 推 k5365000 : 推po 我也觉得这部跟女权到底有什么关系.. 03/10 11:09
惊奇队长导演:这部不只是女性主义电影 也是部人道主义电影
Anna Boden offers what appeals to them about the character as she clenches
her fist:
I mean one the things that drew us to the character for sure was the fact
that she was a really powerful, really interesting, really unique and
independent female character. We are so excited to be telling this story
about somebody who's not just powerful, but also really complicated and
really interesting and really human. It's not just a feminist movie, it's
also a humanist movie.
惊奇队长演员:我和漫威开了会 他们想做一部女性主义的电影
"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a
big feminist movie," Larson says.
来源: (ET set visit May of 2018)
导演说这是女性主义电影 主演演员也讲明MARVEL就是想做女性主义电影
但还是有人要平反 说这部没有女性主义 都是别人戴有色眼镜 硬套
好奇怪啊~ 这样看来只有以下几种可能:
1.这是女性主义电影 但是MARVEL做失败了 观众完全感受不到女性主义
2.这是女性主义电影 但有些观众不知为何看不见 还要大声平反说这部不是
3.这部不是女性主义电影 以上都是假新闻 导演被暗杀取代了所以他讲的也不算

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