巨石强森分享玩命关头系列外传"Hobbs ana Shaw"(中文片名待定)开拍消息
可见到导演David Leitch(杀了John WIck的狗, 又跑去跟死侍勾勾缠, 更早以前还
曾是布莱德彼特替身的那位)和Jason Statham 出现在一张高质感黑白色调照片中。
DAY 1 and the evolution has officially begun.
Long awaited Fast & Furious spin-off movie, #HobbsAndShaw is electric.
My partner in heavy crime & fun @jasonstatham is lookin’ like $1million
bucks and holdin’ it all down.
Our visionary & bad ass director @davidmleitch (just directed Deadpool2)
at the helm and ready to evolve the franchise in exciting and fresh new ways.
And as always, our @sevenbucksprod president @hhgarcia41 capturing the
dopest images thru his lens.
Pancakes, tequila and ass kickin’s on me.
本张照片也出现在 Jason Statham IG上,他则写到:
Day 1 on “Hobbs & Shaw” movie. Getting the instructions from an old pal
and the Director of our film @davidmleitch.
Massive respect to you Dave for the incredible vision and scope you have
planned for this movie.
There are big things to come!
The other big thing to come will be arriving imminently, that’s if
he can peel himself away from his stack of pancakes.
My partner in crime on this one, the colossal and world wide loved and
respected @therock
Just warming things up for you brother!
See you on British soil soon.
#HobbsAndShaw @universalpictures
而导演 David Leitch 则写到
een waiting to work with @therock and @jasonstatham for far too long!
THE TIME is NOW! So fired up!
《Hobbs and Shaw》由《死侍2》导演David Leitch执导,《玩命关头》系列编剧
Chris Morgan负责剧本。
出惊人火花时,便决定发展出外传电影《Hobbs and Shaw》。