modjo (Sammy Sammy Oi Oi )
2017-12-16 15:08:19哈胖的丑闻又有新进展
昨天曾跟Weinstein兄弟合作过的魔戒导演Peter Jackson也开口说话了
Miramax曾经警告他不要跟Ashley Judd和Mira Sorvino两位女演员合作
因为她们两个"非常难搞"(a nightmare to work with)
“I recall Miramax telling us they were a nightmare to work with and we
should avoid them at all costs. This was probably in 1998,” Jackson said.
Mira Sorvinoe跟Ashley Judd是第一批出来指控哈维的女演员
那个时候 Peter Jackson跟他的团队根本不会怀疑哈维说的话
At the time, Jackson said, he and his team had no reason to question Weinstein
’s intentions.
Jackson said he had “no direct experience or knowledge of the sexual
一直到现在他才了解这一切很可能是Miramax全面的抹黑 他怀疑自己被告知了关于这两位
优秀女演员错误的资讯 结果导致她们两位最后被除名
“In hindsight, I realize that this was very likely the Miramax smear
campaign in full swing,” he said. “I now suspect we were fed false
information about both of these talented women — and as a direct result,
their names were removed from our casting list.”
受害者Mira Sorvinoe今天在推特表示
现在终于有人可以証实 并谢谢Peter Jackson说出这段故事
Just seeing this after I awoke, I burst out crying. There it is, confirmation
that Harvey Weinstein derailed my career, something I suspected but was
unsure. Thank you Peter Jackson for being honest. I’m just heartsick
Ashley Judd也在推特上表示
当初Peter已经请她参观过所有的前置作业 并且询问她要演哪个角色
结果后来却再也没有任何消息 她很感谢Peter终于说出实情
Peter & Fran had me in - showed me all the creative, the boards, costumes,
everything. They asked which if the two roles I preferred, and then I
abruptly never heard from hem again. I appreciate the truth coming out.
Thank you, Peter.
除此之外Peter Jackson也表示他跟Weinstein兄弟的合作过程非常不快
While Jackson said he had “no direct experience or knowledge of the sexual
allegations” against Weinstein, he had decided earlier to never collaborate
with him again. He recalled Weinstein and his brother, Bob, being difficult
to work with.
他表示当Miramax还掌控魔戒的制作权时(后来转给New Line) Weinstein兄弟表现的跟
二流黑帮恶霸没两样 所以他决定以后再也不跟他们合作
“My experience, when Miramax controlled the ‘Lord of the Rings’ (before
New Line took over production of the film), was of Weinstein and his brother
behaving like second-rate mafia bullies. They weren’t the type of guys I
wanted to work with — so I haven’t,” he said.
到后来Weinstein兄弟甚至威胁他如果不把魔戒的两集拍成一集 他们就要把他开除
后来Jackson只好把电影转给New Line
Jackson said Weinstein’s bullying tactics also targeted him. At one point,
Jackson claimed, Weinstein threatened to fire him if he didn’t follow
Weinstein’s demands to make the “LOTR” adaptation into one film rather
than two. Eventually, Jackson took the films to New Line.
Jackson表示 因为合约的关系 虽然哈维的名字有出现在魔戒的制作名单上 但实际上
“Although his name had to be on the ‘Lord of the Rings’ credits for
contractual reasons, he was not involved in the movies we ended up making,”
Mira Sorvino之前曾在时代杂志发表一篇专文
现在看来 整间公司都是老板帮凶= =
不跟我上床就毁掉你 真的是超级恶心