※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之铭言:
: 新闻网址:
: https://tinyurl.com/y8xm7yg9
: 在接受Fandango访问时,导演Patty Jenkins提到有一场戏差点被华纳及其他
: 关键创意部门人士删掉
: While recently speaking with Fandango, Jenkins revealed that Warner Bros.
: and some of the film’s other key creative team members were hesitant to
: include the film’s now-famous No Man’s Land scene, which Jenkins reveals
: is actually her favorite moment in the movie:
: 那是我最喜欢的电影片段,也是片中极为重要的桥段。当然也是对其他人而言,
: 相对不合理的戏,所以保留下来对我而言是一个美好的胜利。
: “It’s my favorite scene in the movie and it’s the most important scene
: in the movie. It’s also the scene that made the least sense to other people
: going in, which is why it’s a wonderful victory for me.
: 我想在超级英雄电影中,他们与其他人战斗,与其他反派对决。所以当我开始
: 描述“无人之境”的重要性时,是有几个人觉得很困惑,提出像:
: “那,她要怎么做呢?她可以挡多少子弹”然后我一直强调“那根本不是重点。
: 这是和那些战斗戏完全不同的场景,这是一场她成为神力女超人的场景。”
: I think that in superhero movies, they fight other people, they fight
: villains. So when I started to really hunker in on the significance of
: No Man’s Land, there were a couple people who were deeply confused,
: wondering, like, ‘Well, what is she going to do? How many bullets can she
: fight?’ And I kept saying, ‘It’s not about that. This is a different
: scene than that. This is a scene about her becoming Wonder Woman.’”