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2016-01-06 21:32:522015 北卡罗莱纳影评人协会(North Carolina Film Critics Association)得奖名单
最佳剧情片 Best Narrative Film:
惊爆焦点 Spotlight
Inside Out
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
最佳纪录片 Best Documentary Film:
艾美怀丝 Amy
Finders Keepers
Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck
Listen to Me Marlon
The Look of Silence
最佳动画片 Best Animated Film:
脑筋急转弯 Inside Out
The Good Dinosaur
The Peanuts Movie
Shaun the Sheep Movie
最佳外语片 Best Foreign Language Film:
回不去的时光 Phoenix
The Assassin
A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence
Son of Saul
最佳导演 Best Director:
乔治米勒 / 疯狂麦斯:愤怒道
George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road
Lenny Abrahamson, Room
Todd Haynes, Carol
Tom McCarthy, Spotlight
Ridley Scott, The Martian
最佳男主角 Best Actor:
麦克法斯宾达 / 史帝夫贾伯斯
Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs
Bryan Cranston, Trumbo
Matt Damon, The Martian
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant
Ian McKellen, Mr. Holmes
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor:
马克鲁法洛 / 惊爆焦点
Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight
Paul Dano, Love & Mercy
Benicio del Toro, Sicario
Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies
Sylvester Stallone, Creed
最佳女主角 Best Actress:
莎柔丝罗南 / 爱在他乡
Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn
Elizabeth Banks, Love & Mercy
Cate Blanchett, Carol
Brie Larson, Room
Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years
最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress:
艾莉西亚维坎德 / 人造意识
Alicia Vikander, Ex Machina
Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight
Rooney Mara, Carol
Rachel McAdams, Spotlight
Helen Mirren, Trumbo
最佳原著剧本 Best Original Screenplay:
乔许席格 & 汤姆麦卡锡 / 惊爆焦点
Josh Singer, Tom McCarthy, Spotlight
Matt Charman, Ethan Coen, and Joel Coen, Bridge of Spies
Pete Docter, Meg LeFauve, and Josh Cooley, Inside Out
Alex Garland, Ex Machina
Quentin Tarantino, The Hateful Eight
最佳改编剧本 Best Adapted Screenplay:
查理斯兰道夫 & 亚当麦凯 / 大卖空
Charles Randolph and Adam McKay, The Big Short
Emma Donoghue, Room
Drew Goddard, The Martian
Phyllis Nagy, Carol
Nick Hornby, Brooklyn
Aaron Sorkin, Steve Jobs
塔希尔奖(颁予与北卡罗莱纳州有特别连结之表演者或电影)Tar Heel Aeard:
拉敏巴赫拉尼 / 居住正义
Ramin Bahrani, 99 Homes
Finders Keepers
Peyton Reed, Ant-Man