Amontillako (俺ã¯æ€’ã£ãŸãž!フリーザ!)
2015-12-14 20:19:17※ 引述《mgdesigner (机枪设计师)》之铭言:
: 嘘 mr680224: 那你内文要修改才对,明明是西洋剑指导,你却自己认定 12/14 19:41
: 我说的中文有那么难吗? 456是西洋剑的指导,而且老实说人家除了西洋剑,
: 也对日本剑术下过功夫。
: → mr680224: 是中国样板武术,关于国剧脸谱我看也是你自己瞎猜的 12/14 19:43
While the usage of lightsabers was originally inspired by rapiers featured
in the old serials George Lucas enjoyed, the final choreography in
A New Hope looked nothing like fencing.
As Jedi and their Sith counterparts were heavily inspired by samurai,
the fighting styles utilized were based more on kendo.
The slower, more strength-oriented moves of kendo used in the duel also
helped mesh with Lucas' concept that it was a battle between what were
essentially two old men.
: 123是练特技的,练些翻来翻去的,样板武术本来就是戏曲翻来翻去的技术
: 加上夸张、舞台化的武术动作
: ※ 编辑: mgdesigner (, 12/14/2015 20:00:06
: → mgdesigner: 该不会搞混456跟123吧? 12/14 20:02