※ 引述《lovemelissa (冰雪奇缘)》之铭言:
: 新闻网址:
: http://deadline.com/
: 9th UPDATE, Monday 7:51 AM: Early morning estimates show that we have a new
: box office champion with Jurassic World, besting The Avengers’ $207.4M from
: 2012. By all accounts this AM, the Dinosaurs stomped in with a $209M
: three-day opening, others have it just slightly lower, but they definitely
: took the crown. Congrats to Universal and what a wild ride it has been
: 恐龙太厉害了 !! 出乎所有人意料之外 竟然打败复仇者联盟 1 创下北美有史以来
: 首周末票房纪录 (2亿900万美金 )
: 环球影业今年真是噱爆了 !!
因为美加有friday night跟做礼拜,so fb上有看到外国朋友去看这片的吗