[请益] 玩命关头7台词翻译

楼主: peterasd (天杀)   2015-04-08 02:05:08
如题 最近小弟有在学英文也跟这大家follow 了furious7剧中有很洋葱的台词我看预告一
直无法翻译好请各位帮帮忙如下 唐“我层说我只我在1/4竞速下,妳也一样,无论妳在哪
作者: leeteukey (絨絨蔓)   2015-04-08 02:15:00
I live my life a quarter mile at a time, and you dotoo. That’s why we’re brothers........太长了:http://goo.gl/oU6cHR 很好找吧
作者: jabbar308 (小水塘)   2015-04-08 02:20:00
I live my life a quarter mile at a time, and you dotoo. That’s why we’re brothers. No matter whereyou are, whether it’s a quarter mile away or halfway across the world, you’ll always be with me, and you’ll always be my brother.

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