2014 美国摄影师协会(American Society of Cinematographers)奖 电影类得奖名单
Theatrical Release:
Emmanuel Lubezki ASC, AMC for Birdman (鸟人)
Dick Pope, BSC for Mr. Turner (透纳先生)
Robert D. Yeoman, ASC for The Grand Budapest Hotel (欢迎来到布达佩斯大饭店)
Óscar Faura for The Imitation Game (模仿游戏)
Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC for Unbroken (永不屈服)
聚光灯奖 Spotlight Award:
Peter Flinckenberg, FSC – Concrete Night (Betoniyö) (水泥之夜)
Darius Khondji, ASC, AFC – The Immigrant (浮世伤痕)
Daniel Landin, BSC – Under the Skin (肌肤之侵)