The Daily Beast 这两天访谈了 Christopher Nolan
感谢 qn123456 协助 XD
People online have been attempting to poke holes in the science of
Interstellar. Do you find that literalness a bit silly? This is a movie, after
To be honest, I haven’t read whatever holes people are trying to poke so I
can speak to the validity of it. My films are always held to a weirdly high
standard for those issues that isn’t applied to everybody else’s films—
which I’m fine with. People are always accusing my films of having plot
holes, and I’m very aware of the plot holes in my films and very aware of
when people spot them, but they generally don’t. But what were some science
issues people had with the film? That was Kip’s domain.
One thing I see being brought up is the time dilation on the planet that they
land, where one hour equals seven years (or a factor of 60,000), and to get
that time dilation you’d have to be literally skimming the surface of the
black hole.
Like “a basketball on the rim,” which is a phrase we use! That’s
completely accurate, so there’s no hole there at all. Those issues are all
buttoned-up, and Kip has a book on the science of the film about what’s
real, and what’s speculation—because much of it is, of course, speculation.
There have been a bunch of knee-jerk tweets by people who’ve only seen the
film once, but to really take on the science of the film, you’re going to
need to sit down with the film for a bit and probably also read Kip’s book.
I know where we cheated in the way you have to cheat in movies, and I’ve
made Kip aware of those things.
是没有漏洞的。这些问题已经搞定了,Kip 有一本关于电影中的科学哪边是真实的,哪里
现在有不少由那些只看过一次电影的人发的直觉性 tweets,但是如果你要认真探讨片中
的科学,你需要坐着看电影一会儿,或许同时读一下 Kip 的书。
我知道有哪些地方是需要在电影中作弊的,而我有请 Kip 注意这点。
Kip 的书 - 《The Science of Interstellar》