fact (fact)
2014-08-28 19:40:39Warner Bros has been working on its "King Arthur" film for years with lots of
directors coming and going. But now things are moving forward under the
direction of Guy Ritchie (Snatch).
Variety just learned that Charlie Hunnam (Pacific Rim, "Sons of Anarchy"),
Henry Cavill (Man of Steel) and Jai Courtney (A Good Day to Die Hard)
recently read for the lead role. It turns out that Hunnam is Ritchie's top
If Hunnam takes the offer, he'll join a cast that also includes his "Pacific
Rim" co-star Idris Elba, who's attached to play Arthur's mentor, and
Elizabeth Olsen, who's the frontrunner for the female lead.
"King Arthur" is set to hit theaters on July 22nd, 2016.
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