........................ (前略)Frozen now is heading to theaters in a new
sing-along version. Starting January 31, select showings of the Disney
Animated Studios pic will feature on-screen lyrics and a bouncing snowflake
to encourage audience participation. The timing is keen: The Frozen
soundtrack has been the best-selling album in the U.S. two weeks running,
having posted sales increases each week since its release. “‘Fans have
embraced the film’s original songs and its soundtrack with such passion —
there are countless YouTube videos from people singing songs like ‘Let It Go
’ — we decided to create a version that would celebrate that enthusiasm,”
said Dave Hollis, EVP Theatrical Distribution at the Walt Disney Studios.
Disney will keep hot #Frozen run going w/ new sing-along version w/ song
lyrics hitting 1000 thtrs next week on JAN31.
真是太棒了 可惜台湾没有 不过台湾除了五月天的电影 应该没有会在电影院一堆人
跟着唱吧 @@
本篇大意就是迪士尼预定于1.31开始 于全美加开1000场 跟着唱的版本
而且雪花经过特效处理 我猜是3D版本才会"bouncing "吧 XD
之前歌舞青春时 迪士尼也上过 sing-along version :)