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作者: cativitys (猫有引力) 看板: C_Chat
标题: Re: [闲聊] Yuri on ICE 之 Johnny Weir 访谈
时间: Fri Dec 16 18:55:53 2016
ANGEL: You originally said you’d limit yourself to one episode per day, but
then watched the first ten episodes over 4 days. What brought you into Yuri
on Ice, and what about this show made you break your own rule and marathon it
so quickly?
道Yuri on ice这部动画,还有为什么你会打破自己的原则,让你追剧追得这么快?
JOHNNY: I became familiar with Yuri on Ice after I started to see people
tweeting about the show. In general I don’t have a lot of time for
entertainment so I am usually years behind the rest of the world when it
comes to “new” things. However, when Evgenia Medvedeva tweeted that she
thought Yuri’s Eros was similar to me, and the photos of Viktor’s rose
crown, I had to watch.
JOHNNY : 我开始看这部是因为我看到大家在twitter上讨论。其实我平常没有太多的休闲
I broke my rule about one episode per day because I physically couldn’t stop
watching. I love figure skating, its funny little world, and Japan, so even
watching the first episode made me feel so at home and happy. There are so
many details about the show that I can relate to, even small things like
spending time in onsen, Japanese train stations and so on, that the show is
visually filled with happy memories. I am now caught up and agonizing of the
Grand Prix Final free skate with the rest of Yuri’s fans.
等等,这部动画在视觉上充满了快乐的回忆。现在我已经看到Grand Prix Final free
EMILY: Director Sayo Yamamoto credited you for capturing their interest in
figure skating with your performance of Poker Face, and you’ve clearly been
an inspiration to the story itself. How did it feel seeing the show pay
tribute to you by having Victor at the top of the podium in a version of a
costume you’d designed for the 2006 Olympics, and the flower crown you
sported at the 2010 Olympics?
EMILY: 导演Sayo Yamamoto说是你那场Poker Face的表演让他们对花滑感到兴趣,而且
JOHNNY: There are so many parallels that I’ve noticed while watching the
show. I changed coaches and competed in Cup of China and Cup of Russia when I
was 23 and trying to reinvigorate my career like Yuri-kun. My junior world
championship victory was in Sofia, Bulgaria like Viktor. I even was one of
the first skaters who traveled with my own special tissue box starring my
favorite cartoon, Cheburashka. Of course, the homage to my Swan costume from
Torino and my rose crown in Vancouver from one of my dearest fans, were very
special moments in my life and I’m so happy to see them show up now in a
show I love.
JOHNNY: 当我看动画时,我注意到故事中有非常多平行线。当我23岁时,我换了教练然后
Yuri君一样。我junior world championship的胜利是在保加利亚的索非亚达成,就像
I am very honored that the production team has taken some inspiration not
just from me, but from the skating world. There are so many details that pop
up that wouldn’t mean anything to a casual skating fan, but to us as skaters
who actually lived it, you can see so much respect for our world and what we
do through the animations and story lines. Even down to the way certain
hotels look. It’s very special.
ANGEL: What’s it like to watch a fictionalized version of events you’ve
experienced. Does Yuri on Ice feel like a loving representation of the sport?
(And what about those banquets? Any infamous dance-offs we need to know
ANGEL : 当你看到这些你亲身过的赛事与事件,在虚构的动画中上演,那会是怎么样的感
觉?你觉得Yuri on Ice是一部充满爱的花滑代表作吗? (还有那些赛后宴会又是如何?
JOHNNY: It definitely feels like a very knowledgeable and loving
representation of the skating world. The producers definitely took their time
to be sure that every detail was right. The fact that there are so many
details makes it seem like the entire team was at events with us, backstage,
in hotel rooms, at the banquets and so on.
JOHNNY: 这绝对是一部非常具有知识水准的动画、而且能够代表对花滑世界的爱。制作者
At the banquets, it’s rare for the skaters to get very drunk. Usually the
banquets are time spent between the whole skating family, coaches, judges and
federation officials, so drunken dance-offs would be pretty inappropriate.
The drunken dance offs happen in the hotel rooms once all the old people go
to bed.
There have been many strange moments watching a fictionalized version of our
world, so much so that I’ve had times when I say to myself, “Who told!?”
There are so many secrets in in the show that only skaters or people very
close to them, would know about. Sometimes a character will remind me of a
dirty little secret that even hardcore skating fans don’t know about, and
while it may not be completely played out in the show, the pink elephant has
entered the room.
EMILY: You stated on Twitter that things would have been different for you as
a 20-something skater, with a show like Yuri on Ice on the air. Now we’re
seeing current competitors and legends like yourself embrace the show. Do you
think that the show’s LGBT themes and depiction of a world where queer
athletes are celebrated for their abilities without bias could have an impact
on the culture surrounding figure skating?
EMILY: 你在twitter上说如果你是20几岁的时候来看Yuri on Ice这样的动画的话,事情
JOHNNY: Well, my tweet was more based on sitting in onsen with your Russian
skating stud crush than the show being on while I skated. Haha.
JOHNNY: 嗯哼,我的twitter是比较基于,曾经暗恋过一起泡在温泉中的俄罗斯选手,
I think all positive imagery of LGBT themes in sport are good. Unfortunately,
the majority of people that rule the skating world are conservative and more
business minded. I think many of them, while they may love and appreciate the
art and the sport, are more interested in the business side of things or
power trips. I don’t know if “Yuri on Ice” will be able to change the
perception of gay athletes to a 60 year old businessman, but I am of the
school of thought that every little bit helps.
他们对商业与经营的那一面更有兴趣,掌握权力会让他们兴奋。我不确定Yuri on Ice会
When I was competing, despite being very gay, I wanted my skating to speak
for itself and have it judged purely on merit not on the circus that is me.
Being gay had as much to do with my performances as muscle cars or giraffes.
I dedicated my life to my sport and wanted to be judged and appreciated for
my performances alone. I like seeing that quality from Yuri-kun too.
ANGEL: As the sports commentator for the GPF, if you were going into it with
these characters/competitors, what would you hope to see?
ANGEL: 作为一个GPF解说员,如果你能亲自与这些作为选手的角色接触,你会希望看见什
JOHNNY: I obviously want Yuri-kun to win! What’s fun about Yuri’s Grand
Prix Final is that I can be completely biased in my hopes for the event. Yuri
and Yuri are my favorite skaters in the group so I hope for their successes.
I don’t want to give away spoilers because there may be people who haven’t
seen the episodes yet.
JOHNNY: 很明显我想要Yuri君赢! Yuri在GPF中最有趣的是我完全被我的愿望给吸走了。
I tweeted about my feelings about JJ and Chris and the fandom got upset with
me, especially about hating Chris. The production has been so good that these
fictional characters actually remind me of people I did not like in my own
career so I think it’s completely organic and natural that I don’t like
those characters. Chris in particular annoys me because, aside from on-ice
orgasms, there is so much about him that reminds me of several bitter rivals
of my own.
我发了个twitter关于我对JJ和Chris的感觉,但Yuri on Ice的粉丝迷们对我很不高兴,
EMILY:Retired ice dancer Kenji Miyamoto choreographs the performances for
Yuri on Ice, and has done choreography for you in the past. If you could
choose one of the characters’ performances this season to skate yourself,
which would you choose? Why?
EMILY: 退休的冰舞者宫本贤二替Yuri on Ice中的表演进行编舞,他也曾经为你编过舞。
JOHNNY: I could tell from the first opening credits in episode one that
Kenji-sensei was involved in “Yuri on Ice”. The choreography looked like
Kenji-sensei’s. He is wonderful and I’m sure he’s giving a lot of secret
stories to the production.
JOHNNY: 我从片头曲就看得出来宫本贤二老师一定有参与制作,那编舞的动作就是他的风
If I could choose one performance to skate that would match me, I would
definitely say Yurio’s “Agape”. It is totally my style.
如果我可以选一个角色的表演,而且是适合我的,我绝对是选Yurio的 “Agape”,那完
ANGEL: What is your overall take-away from Yuri on Ice: any final comments or
ANGEL: 综观下来,你认为Yuri on Ice的精华是什么?有些什么最后的评论或印象吗?
JOHNNY: I never thought I would take the time to watch an anime series,
despite appreciating the art form. “Yuri on Ice” feels like home to me, and
it really inspires me and makes me so happy that there is such a wonderful
worldwide response to the show. Yes there are skaters that watch it, but we
always tend to support anything about our sport. What is truly magnificent is
that people who know nothing about skating are watching and becoming aware of
our world and for that, I am very thankful and humbled.
JOHNNY: 尽管我很欣赏动画的艺术形式,我从来没有想过我会花时间来看动画。Yuri on