Re: [讨论] 急诊会诊制度?

楼主: Ogenkidesga ( 一人前 )   2019-09-22 12:31:06
※ 引述《Townshend (the WHO)》之铭言:
: 要讨论一件事之前先要弄懂定义
: 不过不太懂急诊医学emergency medicine的定义
: 个人觉得应该是让濒死病人经过紧急处置介入而起死(包括脑死)回生的医学
: 比如血管梗塞的病人紧急放支架或施打血栓溶解药物
: 大出血的病人紧急开刀缝合血管拴塞或内视镜止血
: 这些应该是属于急诊医学的范畴才对吧?
: 其它不这么急性短期内死不了的病就留给内外科慢慢survey
: 如果上述这些都要找次专科处理
: 那急诊医学就跟高级triage 比较熟acls的家医科医师差不多了不是吗?
: 好奇急诊医学emergency medicine的定义是什么
: 哪些技能是一个合格急诊医师应该要会的
: 哪些是不应该要会的
: 以及如何定义?
The practice of emergency medicine includes the initial evaluation, diagnosis,
treatment, coordination of care among multiple providers, and disposition of
any patient requiring expeditious medical, surgical, or psychiatric care.
需要协调各个healthcare providers
Emergency medicine encompasses planning, oversight, and medical direction for
community emergency medical response, medical control, and disaster
preparedness. Emergency medicine professionals provide valuable clinical,
administrative, and leadership services to the emergency department and other
sectors of the health care delivery system.
作者: hyperkalemia (we are young)   2019-09-22 18:19:00
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